Many of my recordings and compositions in the past have been
inspired by places, people, events and the like. It seems as though as I get older
the eternal themes that have been the subject for countless writers, artists and musicians
over the centuries take on more importance. In particular, the wonder of the natural
world and the forces that shape the universe are becoming more prominent in my thinking,
and the desire to portray them accompanies this interest. The journey that our
species goes through seems by comparison dull and predictable. Nature holds more
truth for me these days. Over the next few years with the help of Arkadia Records, I
will use the four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air as the source of inspiration for a
series of recordings. Each work will deal with the manifestations of these elements
as witnessed around us. I will try to use musicians who best suite the mood of each
concept. I begin with the element of Water. The music on this recording all
derives from the opening solo guitar theme. Every composition is based on a
different harmonic aspect of this melody. Using different guitar and reed colors,
along with a variety of idioms, is an integral part of the overall concept."Water-Giver of Life" is absolutely essential to our universe as we know it ... manifested
in a myriad of forms encompassing various degrees of energy.
"White Caps" which possess astonishing power potential in the oceans and seas,
but give only a hint of what lies below.
"Heaven's Gift" in
the form of rainfall sustains all forms of life; the special beauty one beholds when
seeing the playful shimmer and dance of sunlight on the top of a "Reflecting
"Storm" is the awesome energy released at the moment; the stillness
and sanctity of a "Baptismal
Font"; and finally the "Ebb and Flow" of the tides, as in life itself.
My deepest appreciation to Caris Visentin for continual
support and musical insights and research for the project; also to Jean Jacques
Quesada for aid in research; to Carolyn Chrzan who was a great help to all of us;
to Bob Karcy for encouragement and help in producing such an artistic project;
to Pat for his sincere dedication and hard work; to Billy and Cecil for being
the great artists they are. 
David Liebman